Call of Duty 4 :: IW3xRadiant by xoxor4d
This project is aimed at developers and includes various modifications/additions and was initially built to be used with IW3xo.
Running IW3xRadiant and IW3xo enables a live-link between CoD4 and Radiant. You can, however, just use it as a direct replacement for stock radiant.
Running IW3xRadiant and IW3xo enables a live-link between CoD4 and Radiant. You can, however, just use it as a direct replacement for stock radiant.
Completely revamped user interface with docking, tabs, saved layouts customizable toolbar and more (Dear ImGui)

lay and export createFX files right from within radiant

Custom sun shaders with support for normalmapping, specular highlights, reflections and fog

Model previewer - drag and drop models directly into the scene

Live-link to synchronize selected brushes (with collision) and worldspawn settings between CoD4 and Radiant

Filmtweak support

Gameview - hide all tool entities and textures with a single click

Custom lighting shader with normal-mapping, specular highlights, reflections and fog